Busy Week for LACBA Members!!!

Los Angeles County Beekeeping Class 101, Class #5, June 10, 2017, 9AM-Noon, hosted at The Valley Hive. Location: 9633 Baden Ave., Chatsworth, CA, 93063, (818) 260-6500. Bee Suits Required.


6th Annual 2017 California Honey Harvest Festival & BBQ Championship, Saturday, June 10, 2017, 9:00AM-5PM  Central Park in Downtown Fillmore, CA. LACBA members/beekeepers ride the rails from the park to Bennet's Honey Farm, sharing information, education, and bee stories along the way. Maybe you've only had a couple beekeeping classes and might not think you know much about bees -- you'd be surprised how much you learn in the doing and, you don't need to be an experienced beekeeper to help out at our Honey Bee Table. GREAT FUN!
Learn more: /events/, http://www.bennetthoney.com/BHF-Events.html